All requests to TempWorks OpenAPI require you to authenticate.
Retrieving Resources with the HTTP GET Method
You can retrieve a representation of a resource by GETting its url. The easiest way to do this is to copy and paste a URL into your web browser’s address bar.
- 200 OK: The request was successful and the response body contains the representation requested.
- 302 FOUND: A common redirect response; you can GET the representation at the URI in the Location response header.
- 304 NOT MODIFIED: Your client’s cached version of the representation is still up to date.
- 401 UNAUTHORIZED: The supplied credentials, if any, are not sufficient to access the resource.
- 403 FORBIDDEN: Your request was denied due to security reasons.
- 404 NOT FOUND: You know this one.
- 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS: Your application is sending too many simultaneous requests.
- 500 SERVER ERROR: We couldn’t return the representation due to an internal server error.
- 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE: We are temporarily unable to return the representation. Please wait for a bit and try again.
- 520 EXTERNAL SERVICE IS DOWN: The external service has refused the connection or the connection could not be made from TempWorks API.
- 521 EXTERNAL SERVICE UNKNOWN ERROR: The 521 error is used as a “catch-all response for when the external service returns something unexpected”.
Creating or Updating Resources with the HTTP POST and PUT Methods
Creating or updating a resource involves performing an HTTP PUT or HTTP POST to a resource URI. In the PUT or POST, you represent the properties of the object you wish to update as form urlencoded key/value pairs. Don’t worry, this is already the way browsers encode POSTs by default. But be sure to set the HTTP Content-Type header to application/x-www-form-urlencoded
for your requests if you are writing your own client.
Possible POST or PUT Response Status Codes
- 200 OK: The request was successful, we updated the resource and the response body contains the representation.
- 201 CREATED: The request was successful, we created a new resource and the response body contains the representation.
- 400 BAD REQUEST: The data given in the POST or PUT failed validation. Inspect the response body for details.
- 401 UNAUTHORIZED: The supplied credentials, if any, are not sufficient to create or update the resource.
- 403 FORBIDDEN: Your request was denied due to security reasons.
- 404 NOT FOUND: You know this one.
- 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED: You can’t POST or PUT to the resource.
- 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS: Your application is sending too many simultaneous requests.
- 500 SERVER ERROR: We couldn’t create or update the resource. Please try again.
- 520 EXTERNAL SERVICE IS DOWN: The external service has refused the connection or the connection could not be made from TempWorks API.
- 521 EXTERNAL SERVICE UNKNOWN ERROR: The 521 error is used as a “catch-all response for when the external service returns something unexpected”. Deleting Resources with the HTTP DELETE Method
To delete a resource make an HTTP DELETE request to the resource’s URL. Not all TempWorks OpenAPI resources support DELETE.
Possible DELETE Response Status Codes
- 204 OK: The request was successful; the resource was deleted.
- 401 UNAUTHORIZED: The supplied credentials, if any, are not sufficient to delete the resource.
- 403 FORBIDDEN: Your request was denied due to security reasons.
- 404 NOT FOUND: You know this one.
- 405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED: You can’t DELETE the resource.
- 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS: Your application is sending too many simultaneous requests.
- 500 SERVER ERROR: We couldn’t delete the resource. Please try again.
- 520 EXTERNAL SERVICE IS DOWN: The external service has refused the connection or the connection could not be made from TempWorks API.
- 521 EXTERNAL SERVICE UNKNOWN ERROR: The 521 error is used as a “catch-all response for when the external service returns something unexpected”.
Updating Resources with the HTTP PATCH Method
There are a number of requests that we have in our system that support patching. Patching a resource is where you only send the properties that have changed and need to be updated. This cuts down on large request models that you traditionally send as PUT
. This is the main difference between PATCH and PUT methods. Besides how large the request models are between the two methods, the other glaring difference between the two is that a PATCH requires a certain schema in order for the server to understand what to do with the payload.
Consider the following example. We want to update an employee's full name using a PATCH
"value": "NewFirstName",
"path": "/firstName",
"op": "replace"
"value": "NewLastName",
"path": "/lastName",
"op": "replace"
The newly changed value you wish to save.path
The path to the property of the document. Think of this like our computer file system. One thing to note is that it has to start with a leading forward slash/
, and for each level you nest into the object, you need to add another forward slash. Usually, we try to keep the document pretty flat.op
The operation. This is the instructions, telling the server how to modify the resource at the givenpath
. JSON patching supportsadd
, andtest
. Though all of these are supported, we recommend that you just usereplace
, mainly due to the fact that you can do most of the other operations with that single operation.
**A bit of caution should be known about using replace. When sending a null value to a field that is nullable, it will null out the value and no way to bring it back.**
Existing PATCH API Endpoints
Below is a list of TempWorks main PATCH endpoints with a list of fields that patching is supported:
Route: PATCH /Assignments/{id}
Supported Fields
- AlternateAssignmentId Nullable String(10): User defined alternate identifier for the assignment. Often used to map the assignment to another record in an external system such as for importing time from a different time tracking system.
- BurdenTypeId Nullable Int32: The Burden Type used in calculating commissions.
- TemporaryPhoneNumber Nullable String(255): Temporary phone number for the assignment.
- ReplacesAssignmentId Nullable Int64: Defines the assignment replaced by this assignment. An example of when this is used is when an assignment is extended.
- CustomerHasBlacklistedEmployee Boolean: The Customer has requested that the employee not be assigned to them. Setting to true will update an entry in the assignment restrictions for the employee.
- EmployeeHasBlacklistedCustomer Boolean: The Employee has requested that they not be assigned to the Customer. Setting to true will update an entry in the assignment restrictions for the employee.
- JobTitleId Int32: The Id of the job title.
- BusinessCodeId Nullable Guid: The Id of the business code on the assignment.
- StartDate DateTime: The first day the employee should report to work.
- EndDate Nullable DateTime: The actual final date the employee should report to work.
- ExpectedEndDate Nullable DateTime: The expected final date the employee should report to work.
- OriginalStartDate Nullable DateTime: The first date the employee started the job. This is often used when extending an assignment and is used to track the StartDate on the first assignment in the chain of extended assignments.
- ShiftId Nullable Guid: The Id of the shift.
- StartTime Nullable String(10): Time of day in HH:MM format (24Hour). It is recommended that this value be populated with the start time of the selected Shift.
- EndTime Nullable String(10): Time of day in HH:MM format (24Hours). It is recommended that this value be populated with the end time of the selected Shift.
- ShiftNote Nullable String(100): Additional note area for assignments.
- IsScheduledForSunday Boolean: Used to indicate that the employee should report to work on Sundays.
- IsScheduledForMonday Boolean: Used to indicate that the employee should report to work on Mondays.
- IsScheduledForTuesday Boolean: Used to indicate that the employee should report to work on Tuesdays.
- IsScheduledForWednesday Boolean: Used to indicate that the employee should report to work on Wednesdays.
- IsScheduledForThursday Boolean: Used to indicate that the employee should report to work on Thursdays.
- IsScheduledForFriday Boolean: Used to indicate that the employee should report to work on Fridays.
- IsScheduledForSaturday Boolean: Used to indicate that the employee should report to work on Saturdays.
- WorkerCompCodeId Int32: The Id of the worker comp code.
- PayrollNote Nullable String(500): A payroll related note that will be shown to the payroll staff during time entry.
- PerformanceNote Nullable String(255): A summary note describing the employee's performance.
- PurchaseOrderId Nullable Int32: The Id of the purchase order that the cost of work performed should count towards.
- SalesTeamId Int32: The Id of the sales team.
- BranchId Int32: The branch of the assignment.
- DoNotAutoClose Boolean: Specifies that the assignment should not be automatically closed in database maintainance routines.
- AccountManagerServiceRepId Nullable Int32: The Id of the service rep serving as the account manager for the assignment.
- ServiceRepId Nullable Int32: The Id of the service rep assigned to the assignment.
- IsNonComparable Boolean: Specifies that the assignment is not applicable to AWR.
- ResetsAWRClock Boolean: Causes the AWR Cycle to start over on the assignment start date.
- PrimaryMessageId Nullable Int64: The Id of the message that should be pinned to the top of the messages list for the record. Values can be located in the assignment’s messages list.
Route: PATCH /Contacts/{id}
Supported Fields
- FirstName String(25): The first name of the contact.
- LastName String(50): The last name of the contact.
- Title Nullable String(50): The contact's title.
- NickName Nullable String(25): The contact's nick name or name they prefer to be called.
- Honorific Nullable String(25): An honorific that should be used when addressing or writing to the contact.
- Birthday Nullable String(10): The contact's birthday.
- CustomerId Nullable Int64: The id of the customer the contact represents/works for. A list of customers can be found using the customer search.
- CompanyId Nullable Int32: The id of the company the contact represents/works for. This is used when the contact works for a vendor.
- BranchId Int32: The branch of the contact.
- EmployeeId Nullable Int64: Sometimes contacts also work as employees for a staffing agency. This field is used to link the contacts employee record to their contact record.
- WorksiteId Nullable Int32: The id of the worksite the contact primary works at/supervises.
- Note String: A general note visible to anyone viewing the contact.
- PrimaryPhoneNumberContactMethodId Nullable Int32: The id of the contact method for a phone number that should be the default used when reaching out to the contact. Values can be located in the contact's contact methods list.
- PrimaryEmailAddressContactMethodId Nullable Int32: The id of the contact method for an email address that should be the default used when reaching out to the contact. Values can be located in the contact's contact methods list.
- PrimaryMessageId Nullable Int64: The Id of the message that should be pinned to the top of the messages list for the record. Values can be located in the contact's messages list.
- HowHeardOfId Nullable Int32: The Id of the how heard of option used to indicate how the contact heard about the staffing agency.
- HowHeardOfDetail Nullable String(255): Additional information about how the contact heard about the staffing agency.
- ServiceRepId Nullable Int32: The Id of the service rep assigned to the contact.
Route: PATCH /Employees/{id}/contactmethods/{contactMethodId}
Route: PATCH /Contacts/{id}/contactmethods/{contactMethodId}
Route: PATCH /Customers/{id}/contactmethods/{contactMethodId}
Supported Fields
- ContactMethodTypeId Int16: The type identifier of the contact method.
- ContactMethod String(255): The contact method.
- IsActive Boolean: Whether the contact method is active.
- Notes Nullable String(1000): A note/description field.
- WhenAvailable Nullable String(25): When the contact is available for contact using this method.
- AreaCode Int32: The area code of the contact method, or '0'.
- ProviderId Int32: The text messaging provider for this contact method, or '-1'
- CountryCallingCode Nullable Int32: The country calling code for phone number contact methods.
- IsPinned Boolean: Whether the contact method is pinned to the top of the contact methods list.
Route: PATCH /Contracts/{id}
Supported Fields
- CustomerId Int64: The ID of the customer/department that this contract is associated with.
- Name String(200): The name of the contract.
- Notes String(): A note/description for the contract.
- ContractLength Nullable Decimal: The length of the contract.
- ContractLengthTypeId Nullable Int32: The length type being used for the ContractLength field.
- ContractStatusId Int32: The status identifier for the contract.
- StartDate DateTime: The start date of the contract.
- EndDate Nullable DateTime: The end date of the contract.
- PrimaryContactId Nullable Int32: The customer contact id for the primary point of contact for this contract.
- ContractCategoryId Nullable Int32: The contract category identifier.
- OwnedByServiceRepId Int32: The id of the service rep who is responsible for the contract.
- DateContractSigned Nullable Int32: The date the contract was signed.
- PrimaryMessageId Nullable Int64: An optional primary contact message for the contract.
Route: PATCH /Customers/{id}
Supported Fields
- CustomerName String(50): The name of the customer.
- DepartmentName String(50): The name of the department at the customer.
- WorksiteId Nullable Int32: The id of the default worksite to be used when creating a job order for the customer.
- Website Nullable String(255): The customer’s website.
- IsMonthlyBill Boolean: Used to indicate if the customer should be billed monthly rather than weekly.
- CreditLimit Decimal: Used to warn users when processing billing if a customer has outstanding unpaid invoices near or over the limit specified.
- Note Nullable String(4000): A general note visible to anyone viewing the customer.
- DateActivated DateTime: The date the customer record was activated.
- BranchId Int32: The branch of the customer.
- PrimaryPhoneNumberContactMethodId Nullable Int32: The id of the contact method for a phone number that should be the default used when reaching out to the customer. Values can be located in the customer's contact methods list.
- PrimaryEmailAddressContactMethodId Nullable Int32: The id of the contact method for an email address that should be the default used when reaching out to the customer. Values can be located in the customer's contact methods list.
- PrimaryMessageId Nullable Int64: The Id of the message that should be pinned to the top of the messages list for the record. Values can be located in the customer's messages list.
Route: PATCH /Employees/{id}
Supported Fields
- FirstName String(50): The first name of the employee.
- MiddleName Nullable String(50): The middle name or initial of the employee.
- LastName String(50): The last name of the employee.
- Alias Nullable String(50): The nick name, alias, or preferred name for the employee.
- NamePrefix Nullable String(10): A prefix or honorific to be added to the employees name when performing actions like addressing a letter.
- NameSuffix Nullable String(10): A suffix or honorific to be added to the employees name when performing actions like addressing a letter.
- WashedStatusId Int8: An id indicating the review/application status of an employee.
- BranchId Int32: The branch of the employee.
- IsActive Boolean: A flag indicating whether or not the employee record is active.
- EmploymentCategoryId Nullable Guid: An id indicating the general type of work an employee is looking for.
- OrderTypeId Nullable Int32: An id indicating the general type of order an employee is interested in such as temp work or direct to hire.
- ContactId Nullable Int64: An id indicating the contact record representing the same person as the employee record.
- OrientationGivenDate Nullable DateTime: The date the employee went through orientation.
- AnniversaryDate Nullable DateTime: A date field used to track when the employee's work anniversary is.
- InterviewDate Nullable DateTime: The date the employee was interviewed.
- InterviewedBySrIdent Nullable Int32: The id of the service rep who interviewed the employee.
- HowHeardOfId Nullable Int32: An id indicating how the employee first heard of the employment agency. Valid values can be found on the How Heard Of datalist. The list will return how heard of values applicable to employees, customers, and contacts unless an originTypeId of 1 is provided to limit it to just employee relevant items. Some how heard ofs may require HowHeardOfDetail to also be specified. Which ones require details should have the RequireDetails field on the datalist set to true.
- HowHeardOfDetail String(50): A field to provide more information as to how an employee heard about the employment agency. This is used and sometimes required if an option such as "Other" is selected so that they agency may learn better how people found out about them.
- SchoolDistrictId Nullable Int32: The identifier for which school district the employee lives in.
- IsExemptFromSchoolDistrictTax Boolean: Whether the employee is exempt from their residential school tax jurisdiction.
- TaxSchoolDistrictJurisdictionId Nullable Int32: The juris id for the employee’s school district where they reside.
- IsExemptFromMunicipalityTax Boolean: Whether the employee is exempt from their residential municipal tax jurisdiction.
- MunicipalityId Nullable Int32: The identifier for which municipality the employee lives in.
- TaxMunicipalityJurisdictionId Nullable Int32: The juris id for the municipality where the employee resides.
- IsExemptFromCountyTax Boolean: Whether the employee is exempt from county taxes where they reside.
- CountyId Nullable Int32: The identifier for which county the employee lives in.
- TaxCountyJurisdictionId Nullable Int32: The juris id for the county where the employee resides.
- TaxRegion String(5): The State abbreviation where the employee lives.
- TaxRegionJurisdictionId Nullable Int32: The juris id for the state where the employee lives.
- PsdCode String(10): The PSD Code (Pennsylvania only) where the employee resides.
- FederalExemptions Int8: The number of federal tax exemption that the employee claims.
- Dependents Int8: The number of dependents that the employee claims.
- IsTaxExempt Boolean: Whether or not the employee is tax exempt.
- AdditionalTaxWithholding Decimal(0, 214748.36): Additional tax withholding amount.
- TaxRegionExemptions Int8: The number of state tax exemptions claimed by the employee.
- MaritalTaxStatusId Int32: The marital tax status of the employee.
- AlternateEmployeeId String(10): An alternate employee identifier (for referencing other systems).
- SalesTeamId Nullable Int32: The Id of the sales team.
- LastDate Nullable DateTime: The last date the employee worked.
- ActivationDate Nullable DateTime: The date the employee was activated.
- DeactivationDate Nullable DateTime: The date the employee record was deactivated.
- LicenseClass String(10): The employee’s drivers license classification.
- IsI9OnFile Boolean: Whether the employee has an I9 on file.
- I9ExpirationDate Nullable DateTime: The expiration date of the empoyee’s I9.
- JobTitle String(50): The most recent JobTitle of the employee.
- IsPayReady Boolean: Whether the employee is ready to go through payroll.
- MailCheck Boolean: Whether the employee should be mailed a check.
- EmailPaystubs Boolean: Whether the employee should be emailed a paystub.
- PaycheckDeliveryCode String(25): The paycheck delivery method for the employee.
- DefaultPayRate Nullable Decimal: The employee’s default pay rate.
- PayrollNote String(50): An optional note to pull into the employee’s timecard.
- Note String(1000): An employee note.
- PrimaryPhoneNumberContactMethodId Nullable Int32: The contact method id of the employee’s main phone contact method.
- PrimaryEmailAddressContactMethodId Nullable Int32: The contact method id of the employee’s main email contact method.
- PrimaryMessageId Nullable Int64: A primary contact message id for the employee.
- PastResidences String(1000): A description of the employee’s past residences.
- SecurityClearance String(50): A description of the employee’s security clearence.
- Convictions String(1000): A description of any employee convictions.
- IsConvictedFelon Nullable Boolean: Whether the employee is a convicted felon.
- NumericRating Int32: The rating of the employee.
- ServiceRepId Int32: The service rep that entered the employee.
- CompanyId Nullable Int32
- WotcEligibilityStatusId Nullable Int64: The WOTC eligibility of the employee.
- W4Year Nullable Int32: The W4 year being used for the employee setup.
- OtherIncome Nullable Decimal: The employee’s other incomes.
- ExtraDeductions Nullable Decimal: The employee’s extra tax deductions.
- DependentAllowance Nullable Decimal: The Employees dependent allowance.
- ExtraWithholding Decimal(0, 214748.36): The employee’s extra tax withholdings.
- TaxHigher Nullable Boolean: Whether the employee should be taxed at a higher rate.
Job Orders
Route: PATCH /JobOrders/{id}
Supported Fields
- WorkerCompCodeId Int32: The worker’s compensation code associated with the Order.
- AlternateJobOrderId String(255): An alternate order id.
- BurdenTypeId Nullable Int32: The burden type for the order.
- WorksiteId Int32: The address id for this order’s worksite.
- Directions String(1000): Description of directions to this order’s worksite.
- JobTitleId Int32: The Job Title id associated with this Order.
- JobOrderTypeId Int32: The order type of this job order.
- PositionsRequired Int16: The number of positions to fill for the order.
- JobDescription String(4000): An internal description for this job order.
- DressCode String(255): A description of the dress code for this order.
- StartDate Nullable DateTime: The start date of the order.
- EstimatedEndDate Nullable DateTime: The estimated end date for the order.
- ShiftId Nullable Guid: The shift id for this order.
- StartTime String(10): The starting time for the order.
- EndTime String(10): The ending time for the order.
- JobOrderDurationId Int32: The duration ID for the order.
- JobOrderShiftNotes String(100): A note for the order’s shift.
- SafetyNotes String(50): A safety note for the order.
- IsScheduledForSunday Boolean: Whether the order is scheduled to cover this day.
- IsScheduledForMonday Boolean: Whether the order is scheduled to cover this day.
- IsScheduledForTuesday Boolean: Whether the order is scheduled to cover this day.
- IsScheduledForWednesday Boolean: Whether the order is scheduled to cover this day.
- IsScheduledForThursday Boolean: Whether the order is scheduled to cover this day.
- IsScheduledForFriday Boolean: Whether the order is scheduled to cover this day.
- IsScheduledForSaturday Boolean: Whether the order is scheduled to cover this day.
- JobOrderStatusId Int32: The status id of the order.
- SalesTeamId Int32: The Id of the sales team.
- BranchId Int32: The branch of the order.
- DoNotAutoClose Boolean: Whether the order shouldn’t be auto-closed is auto-closing is configured.
- UsesTimeClock Boolean: Whether the order uses a timeclock.
- UsesPeopleNet Boolean: Whether the order uses People Net.
- ServiceRepId Int32: The service rep responsible for the order.
- Notes String(255): A note field.
- PurchaseOrderId Nullable Int32: The purchase order id for this order.
- Location String(25): An extra custom field for the order (passes down to timecards).
- MileageRate Nullable Decimal: The mileage compensation rate for the order.
- CostCenter String(50): The cost center for the order (passes down to timecards).
- SubEntity String(25): The sub-entity for the order (passes down to timecards).
- AccountCode String(25): An extra custom field for the order (passes down to timecards).
- CustomerSkill String(15): An extra custom field for the order (passes down to timecards).
- CheckDelivery String(10): An extra custom field for the order (passes down to timecards).
- RequisitionNumber String(25): An extra custom field for the order (passes down to timecards).
- AlternateRequisitionNumber String(25): An extra custom field for the order.
- RequisitionEndDate Nullable DateTime: An extra custom date for the order (passes down to timecards).
- CustomerExtra1 String(50): An extra custom field for the order (passes down to timecards).
- CustomerExtra2 String(50): An extra custom field for the order (passes down to timecards).
- CustomerExtra3 String(50): An extra custom field for the order (passes down to timecards).
- PayrollNote String(500): A payroll note that passes down to timecards.
- PublicJobTitle String(50): The public job title that pulls into JobBoards and jobFeeds.
- PublicJobDescription String(Max): The public job description that pulls into JobBoards and jobFeeds.
- PublicPostingDate Nullable Decimal: The date that the order should show as it’s posting date.
- DoNotPostPublicly Boolean: Whether the order shouldn’t post to JobBoards and JobFeeds.
- PrimaryMessageId Nullable Int64: A primary contact message for the order.
- PublicJobDescriptionContentType String(100): The content type for the information stored in PublicJobDescription.
Job Titles
Route: PATCH /Administration/JobTitles/{id}
Supported Fields
- SkillCode String(8): The primary skill code for the Job Title.
- SkillCode2 Nullable String(10): The secondary skill code for the Job Title.
- JobTitle String(50): The job title.
- DivisionIdent Int32: The division ID for the Job Title.
- JobTitleCategoryId Int32: The category ID for the Job Title.
- EEOClass String(10): The EEO classification for the Job Title.
- WorkerCompCodeId Nullable Int32: The worker’s compensation code associated with the Job Title.
- HierId Int32: The hierarchy of the Job Title.
- IsPublic Boolean: Whether orders with this Job Title is pull onto TempWorks JobBoards/jobFeeds.
- IsDefault Boolean: Whether this Job Title is the default Job Title.
- IsActive Boolean: Whether this Job Title is active.
Route: PATCH /Prospects/{id} [link]
Supported Fields
- Name String(255): The customer name for the prospect.
- Department String(255): The department name for the prospect.
- PhoneNumber String(255): The phone number for the prospect.
- PhoneNumberCountryCallingCode Nullable Int32: The phone number country calling code.
- EmailAddress String(255): The email for the prospect.
- Notes String(Max): A note field for the prospect.
- PrimaryProspectContactId Nullable Int64: A ID field for the primary contact for the prospect.
- Source String(255): The source of the contract.
- OwnedByServiceRepId Nullable Int32: The service rep responsible for the prospect.
- TeamId Nullable Int32: The service rep team responsible for the prospect.
- ProspectStatusId Int64: The status of the prospect.
- PrimaryMessageId Nullable Int64: A primary contact message ID for the prospect.
Route: PATCH /RateSheets/{rateSheetId}
Supported Fields
- EmployeeId Nullable Int64: The Id of the employee associated with this rate sheet.
- CustomerId Nullable Int64: The Id of the customer associated with this rate sheet.
- WorksiteId Nullable Int32: The Id of the worksite associated with this rate sheet. Valid worksites can be found in the Customer
- JobTitleId Nullable Int32: The Id of the job title associated with this rate sheet.
- BranchId Nullable Int32: The branch of the Rate Sheet.
- ShiftId Nullable Guid: The Id of the shift associated with this rate sheet. Valid shifts can be found in the Shifts datalist, or the Customer Default Shifts list.
- WorkerCompCodeId Nullable Int32: The Id of the worker comp code associated with this rate sheet.
- ApplyRateSheetToCustomerDepartments Nullable Boolean: Indicates whether this rate sheet should apply to the departments of the customer indicated by the CustomerId.
- IsActive Boolean: Indicates whether this rate sheet is active.
Route: PATCH /TimeEntry/timecards/{id}
Supported Fields
- AccountCode String(25): A custom field pulled from the order.
- BillRate Decimal: The bill rate for the timecard.
- BranchId Int32: The branch of the time card.
- CheckDeliveryCode String(25): A custom field pulled from the order.
- CostCenter String(50): A cost center field pulled from the order.
- CustomerExtra1 String(10): A custom field pulled from the order.
- CustomerExtra2 String(10): A custom field pulled from the order.
- CustomerExtra3 String(10): A custom field pulled from the order.
- DateWorked Nullable DateTime: The date worked for the timecard.
- Day1TotalHours Decimal: Total hours worked for Day 1 of the pay period.
- Day2TotalHours Decimal: Total hours worked for Day 2 of the pay period.
- Day3TotalHours Decimal: Total hours worked for Day 3 of the pay period.
- Day4TotalHours Decimal: Total hours worked for Day 4 of the pay period.
- Day5TotalHours Decimal: Total hours worked for Day 5 of the pay period.
- Day6TotalHours Decimal: Total hours worked for Day 6 of the pay period.
- Day7TotalHours Decimal: Total hours worked for Day 7 of the pay period.
- DoubletimeBillRate Decimal: The double time bill rate.
- DoubletimeHours Decimal: The number of double time hours.
- DoubletimePayRate Decimal: The double time pay rate.
- InvoiceHoldCode String(1): Whether there is a invoice hold in place for the timecard.
- InvoiceText String(1000): An invoice description for the transaction.
- IsSalaryApproved Boolean: Whether salary fields are being used for this timecard.
- Location String(25): A custom field pulled from the order.
- NumberOfDaysWorked Int32: The number of days worked.
- OneTimeDoNotEPay String(1): Whether this timecard should not EPay.
- OneTimeOverrideFederalWithholding Nullable Decimal: Whether this timecard should override the employees' federal income tax withholdings with a flat amount.
- OneTimeOverridePayPeriods Nullable Int32: Whether this timecard should override the number of pay periods used for tax calculations.
- OneTimeOverrideRegionWithholding Nullable Decimal: The flat amount for the one time federal withholding override.
- OvertimeBillRate Decimal: The overtime bill rate.
- OvertimeHours Decimal: The number of overtime hours.
- OvertimePayRate Decimal: The overtime pay rate.
- PayCodeId Int32: The paycode of the timecard.
- PayHoldCode String(1): Whether there is a pay hold in place for the timecard.
- PayPeriodEndDate Nullable DateTime: The pay period end date.
- PayPeriodStartDate Nullable DateTime: The pay period start date.
- PayRate Decimal: The pay rate.
- PayrollNote String(500): A payroll note that pulls from the order.
- PurchaseOrderId Nullable Int32: The purchase order id that pulls from the order.
- RegularHours Decimal: The number of regular hours.
- RequisitionNumber String(25): A custom field pulled from the order.
- SalaryBillRate Decimal: The salary bill rate.
- SalaryPayRate Decimal: The salary pay rate.
- ShowZeroBillOnInvoice Boolean: Whether the timecard should appear as zero bill on the invoice.
- SubEntity String(25): A custom field pulled from the order.
- UnitBillRate Decimal: The unit bill rate.
- UnitPayRate Decimal: The unit pay rate.
- Units Decimal: The number of units.
- VendorInvoiceNumber String(15): An vendor invoice number for the transaction.
- WeekendDate DateTime: The WeekendDate that the timecard was created and processed.
- WorksiteId Int32: The address id of the worksite for this timecard’s order.
Route: PATCH /Vendors/{id}
Supported Fields
- AccountId Nullable Int32: The account number for the vendor.
- ActivationDate Nullable DateTime: The date the Vendor was activated.
- IsActive Boolean: Whether the Vendor is active.
- BusinessCodeId Nullable Guid: The business code for the Vendor.
- CertificateOnFile Boolean: Whether there is a certificate on file for the vendor.
- CompanyAddress String(255): The vendor’s full address.
- AltCompanyId String(15): An alternate company ID.
- PhoneNumberCountryCallingCode Int32: The country code of the vendor’s phone number.
- PhoneNumber String(255): The vendor’s phone number.
- CompanyTypeId Guid: The company type for the vendor.
- ContactName String(50): The vendor’s contact name.
- ContractEndDate Nullable DateTime: The vendor’s contract end date.
- ContractStartDate Nullable DateTime: The vendor’s contract start date.
- CorporateStreet1 String(45): The street address of the vendor’s corporate location.
- CorporateStreet2 String(45): The street address of the vendor’s corporate location.
- CorporateMunicipality String(50): The city of the vendor’s corporate location.
- CorporateRegion String(5): The stateaddress of the vendor’s corporate location.
- CorporatePostalCode String(10): The postal code of the vendor’s corporate location.
- CorporateCountry String(25): The country of the vendor’s corporate location.
- CorporateCountryCode Int32: The country code of the vendor’s corporate location.
- CreditLimit Nullable Decimal: The credit limit for the vendor.
- IsDefaultCompany Boolean: Whether the vendor is the default vendor.
- DepartmentName String(50): A department name for the vendor.
- DiscountMethod String(10): The discount method being applied to the vendor (not currently used).
- EmployerId Int32: An EINC for the vendor.
- EmailAddress String(255): The email address for the vendor.
- FedEmployerId String(20): The FEIN for the vendor.
- CompanyName String(50): The vendor’s full company name.
- ShouldGenerate1099 Boolean: Whether a 1099 should be generated for the vendor.
- HierId Int32: The hierarchy of the Vendor.
- IsInvoicePayRequired Boolean: Whether invoice pay is required for the vendor.
- IsPayrollDedVendor Boolean: Whether the company is a payroll deduction vendor.
- IsPayrollSalesTaxVendor Boolean: Whether the company is a sales tax vendor.
- IsPayrollTaxVendor Boolean: Whether the company is a payroll tax vendor.
- IsVendor Boolean: Whether the company is a vendor (should always be true for a vendor).
- LocalStreet1 String(45): The street address of the vendor’s local location.
- LocalStreet2 String(45): The street address of the vendor’s local location.
- LocalMunicipality String(50): The city of the vendor’s local location.
- LocalRegion String(8): The state of the vendor’s local location.
- LocalPostalCode String(10): The postal code of the vendor’s local location.
- LocalCountry String(25): The country of the vendor’s local location.
- LocalCountryCode Int32: The country of the vendor’s local location.
- IsMinorityOwned Boolean: Whether the vendor is minority owned.
- OverheadMarkup Decimal: An overhead markup for the vendor’s billing.
- ParentCompanyIdent Nullable Int32: The parent company/vendor ID.
- PayBeginningDate Nullable DateTime: The date that payment began for the vendor.
- PayDelayInDays Int32: The pay delay for the vendor.
- PaymentsIncludeVAT Boolean: Whether payments include VAT.
- PaymentTermsCodeId Nullable Int32: The ID of the payment terms type for the vendor.
- PaymentTypeId Int32: The ID of the payment type for the vendor.
- PseudoEmployeeId Nullable Int64: The pseudo employee record that references the vendor.
- RemittanceStreet1 String(45): The street address of the vendor’s remittance location.
- RemittanceStreet2 String(45): The street address of the vendor’s remittance location.
- RemittanceMunicipality String(50): The city of the vendor’s remittance location.
- RemittanceRegion String(8): The state of the vendor’s remittance location.
- RemittancePostalCode String(10): The postal code of the vendor’s remittance location.
- RemittanceCountry String(25): The country of the vendor’s remittance location.
- RemittanceCountryCode Int32: The country code of the vendor’s remittance location.
- IsSBARegistered Boolean: Whether the vendor is SBA registered.
- IsSmallBusiness Boolean: Whether the vendor is a small business.
- SuppliesDisabledPeople Boolean: Whether the vendor supplies disabled people.
- VendorAccountNumber String(50): The Vendor account number.
- IsWomenOwned Boolean: Whether the vendor is women owned.
- BypassAddressValidationService Nullable Boolean: Whether address validation should be bypassed.